From Berlin to India bike ride for dry toilets

(Source: Rushlane)

The Berlin to India bike ride began on 15th April 2012. Traversing 10,000 kilometers offered a wide landscape to discuss sustainable dry toilets project implementation in India. Sanitation in India is very poor especially when one takes stock of the situation faced by the rural crowd.

The lack of clean drinking water and toilets are the main causes why poor people are prone to diseases on an almost daily basis. Statistics have shown that there is almost 72% of the total population in the country who have to take their business out in the open to answer nature's call.

At Garade, the installation of dry toilets will help to avert the need for individuals to go outside to defecate. Urine diverting dry toilet (UDDT) systems are available in both eastern and western styles. The toilet has been designed to facilitate separate collection of feces and urine thereby allowing for an odorless atmosphere.

The main benefits from using these types of toilets is that liquid as also organic manure can be collected which is beneficial for agricultural purposes. Simple construction and high mobility of these toilets allow them to be used in areas where there is a shortage of water and where conditions aren't favorable for many.


Ecosan Services Foundation will be the main body that will be regulating the construction and maintenance of these toilets. ESF will also raise funds for the building of more toilets through sale of treated organic manure being produced as a result of using UDDT systems. The team comprises of Maushami Chetty, Thomas Jakel, Erik Aguardiente, and Johann Angermann. They clearly maintain they're not adventurersbut young people working owrads making a change.


A while ago, the Guts for Change cyclists chose to raise the initial funding goal of 10,000 Euros to 15,000 Euros allowing for construction of 15 more toilets taking the total upto 25 units. Donations are being accepted through Trockentoiletten für ein Dorf in Indien.