Tomás Saraceno's Adult Playground - 'On Space Time Foam'

(Source: Huffingtonpost)

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to walk on clouds? Well, now you can.

Argentine installation artist Tomás Saraceno's new exhibition entitled, "On Space Time Foam," lets you feel like you're breaking the laws of gravity.

Composed of three levels and constructed out of thin clear film, the colossal 1,312 square foot installation is suspended 65 feet in the air at the HangarBicocca in Milan.

The floating structure, similar to a trampoline, appears to almost devour those that attempt to walk across it. Fans of the work might remember Saraceno's interactive installation at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in May.


"Cloud City" was a "jungle-gym-like arrangement" of abstract shapes on the roof of the museum that people could crawl around.


For those who can't make the trip to Italy, have no fear. "On Space Time Foam" will continue on to MIT, where Saraceno has an upcoming residency.