The human life is blessing of Allah... To spend a
pleasant life man must take care of some important things, otherwise it
becomes a trouble. And sometimes people get fed up with life attracts
towords suicide. After keeping the body healthy human life can be
pleasant, Otherwise ill man starts thinking to get rid of the life. keep
in mind these things that human body should be healthy in both ways
spiritually and physically.
Fresh Air - find out why pure, fresh air is important to your health.
Learn some Deep Breathing Exercises to help you get your daily dose.
Sunlight - find out why you can't afford to skip on sunshine. Get
essential sun safety tips. Learn how the sun plays a role in your body's
production of Vitamin D. Read about why this vitamin is so essential for
your health and well-being and how a deficiency can harm your health.
Temperance - Find out why to much of anything is a no no!
Rest and Sleep - Learn why skimping on rest and sleep is not an option.
Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Get tips to help you sleep

Exercise - Learn why exercise is called the fountain of youth. Get some
Exercise Ideas and Exercise Tips - to help you have fun and stay safe
while you exercise.
Healthy Diet - Learn about the original healthy diet and the amazing
things it can do for your health and well-being.

Water - Learn about the amazing role water plays in health and healing.
8 glasses may not be right for you. Find out how much YOU need to drink
every day.
Trust in Divine Power - Discover how putting your trust in God is the
perfect antidote to the negative emotions and stress that can destroy
your health. |