Tallest bridges in the world

The list of the world's tallest bridges ranks bridges around the world by the height of their structure. The structural height of a bridge is the maximum vertical distance from the uppermost point of a bridge, such as the top of a bridge tower in a suspension bridge, down to the lowest visible point of a bridge, where its piers emerge from the surface of the ground or water.

Name: Millau Viaduct - Height of bridge structure: 343 metres (1,125 ft) - Country: France - Millau
Name: Russky Bridge - Height of bridge structure: 320.9 metres (1,053 ft) - Country: Russia - Vladivostok
Name: Sutong Bridge - Height of bridge structure: 306 metres (1,004 ft) - Country: China - Changshu
Name: Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge - Height of bridge structure: 298.3 metres (979 ft) - Country: Japan - Kobe
Name: Stonecutters Bridge - Height of bridge structure: 298 metres (978 ft) - Country: Hong Kong - Hong Kong
Name: Yi Sun-sin Bridge - Height of bridge structure: 270 metres (890 ft) - Country: South Korea - Yeosu
Name: Jingyue Bridge - Height of bridge structure: 265 metres (869 ft) - Country: China - Jingzhou
Name: Great Belt East Bridge - Height of bridge structure: 254 metres (833 ft) - Country: Denmark - Slagelse
Name: Zhongxian Huyu Expressway Bridge - Height of bridge structure: 247.5 metres (812 ft) - Country: China - Huangshi
Name: Jiujiang Fuyin Expressway Bridge - Height of bridge structure: 244.3 metres (802 ft) - Country: China - Jiujiang

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