The world`s most beautiful cities

(Source: msn)

There are many cities in the world but it is normally said that the cities which are larger in size are beautiful but it is not always the same case many cites with smaller area are beautiful than those having larger area . As it a famous saying that beauty lies in the eyes of viewer or observer and it all depends on him or her how to observe and view things. Some cities have natural beauty but it increases with an artificial work done by its inhabitant.

Hanoi, Vietnam

 The Vietnamese capital is a city of lakes steeped in ancient architecture, with houses, palaces and statues that hint at the influence of everyone who has passed through over the past few hundred years from the Chinese to the French. Narrow, wooded lanes twist between elegant villas, gleaming modern buildings, graceful pagodas and ornate palaces, while the streets throng with cyclos (bike taxis) and bicycles.

Cape Town, South Africa

For sheer natural spectacle, Cape Town is hard to beat. Overlooked by Table Mountain, the city`s streets spread down to the vast ocean, edged by flawless white-sand beaches. An eclectic mix of Dutch colonial and contemporary African architecture, the city has a lively bohemian feel whether you`re soaking up the sun at the Victoria and Albert Waterfront, strolling past the brightly-painted facades in Bo Kaap or watching the spectacular sunset at Camps Bay.


Venice, Italy

Venice has been painted, talked about and written about countless times, yet first-time visitors are always overwhelmed by its unique beauty. Kick off with a walking tour in the Piazza San Marco, then simply lose yourself in the tangle of alleyways. Hop on a vaporetto along the Grand Canal to see the grand Venetian mansions from their best perspective, and watch the sun set from the 16th-century Rialto bridge lined with tiny shops.


Florence, Italy

Soaked in history, art and Renaissance architecture, Florence feels like an open-air museum that runs at a much slower pace to Rome. The vastly impressive Duomo is the first port of call for most visitors but around every corner lies another gem: the elegant space of the Piazza della Signoria, the stately Palazzo Vecchio, the stunning views from the top of the Campanile. Forget queuing for the galleries and simply stroll - getting lost is part of the pleasure.

Cartagena, Colombia

The city of Cartagena was the most important port in Colombia in colonial times; the impressive walls were originally built to keep out pirates and enemy forces. Inside the walls, the old town is a maze of cobbled alleys and streets, overlooked by balconies draped in bougainvillea. Dotted with cafe-filled plazas and courtyards, there are plenty of spots great for people-watching.

San Francisco, US

Artsy, bohemian and stunningly beautiful, San Francisco`s beautiful bay lends the feeling of a beach resort to this city of 43 hills. One of the best ways to discover San Fran is on one of the trams that clamber up and down the steep streets (think Steve McQueen in Bullitt) and continue all the way down to the shore, which incidentally is the perfect place for a bowl of the city`s signature clam chowder.

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Bombed and under siege in the 1990s, Croatia`s iconic walled city has been restored to its former glory. From the polished cobbles of the Stradun - the city`s main pedestrianised street - to a lattice of steps and alleyways that wind between the terracotta-roofs, you could spend an entire day flitting between the restaurants, shops and cafes. The view from the ancient walls of the city`s rooftops and the sparkling Adriatic beyond is one of the best in the Mediterranean.

Bruges, Belgium

One of Europe`s most intact medieval cities, Bruges is so perfect it almost looks like a film set. In fact, it actually was the backdrop to In Bruges. But alongside the 15th century houses, palaces and squares, a quirky, contemporary Belgian city goes about its business. The best way to see it is on a canal boat trip, but enjoying a beer or three at a cafe in the picturesque Grote Markt (Great Market) is an equally integral part of a visit.

Cambridge, UK

Oxford may get all the glory, but Cambridge is equally beautiful, with the elegant college buildings overlooking lush green lawns that roll down to the banks of the river Cam. Hire a punt and glide along the river, visit Christ`s College - once home to Charles Darwin - or simply stroll through the picturesque streets and alleys.