Hello! Are you aware of the nine intelligence of you
and me?
Never mind, because I wasn’t either before I attended a lecture of my
mentor Mr. Qasim Ali Shah about it.
Last night I was asking my mentor to deliver a lecture about “Success
Tools (Know what kind of things successful people use in order to keep
on getting success)”
My mentor said “Hey! Why don’t tell about the tools which are within
each one of us?” and I was like “Are there tools inside us?”
He said I will let you know about them in tomorrow’s lecture.
I was super excited to know about the Success Tools I am carrying inside
me. In fact I didn’t sleep properly last night because I was curious.
In the morning, my mentor shared the research of Mr. Howard Gardner
about human intelligences which he did in early 1980’s.
My mentor said it is a indeed a great task which Mr. Howard Gardner did
for us.According to Mr. Howard’s research, human beings are carrying 9
types of intelligence, one can even call them hidden success tools.
Because according to the book Richest Man In Babylon, “What you do with
what you have in more important than what you have.” Successful are
those who utilize the best out of themselves, they don’t wait for
anything, they start within and achieve tremendous results.
So these nine intelligences are:
Linguistic Intelligence:
People who have this are words masters. They play with words and
languages, these people can become authors, writers, bloggers, etc. In
some countries they even write speeches of politicians. William
Wordsworth is an example worth mentioning here.
Logical Intelligence:
This makes us number genius, mathematicians are having this. It helps
become engineers, scientists, doctors, accountants, etc.
Vocal Intelligence:
Here I come. People who have this unique ability are genius in public
speaking, they use their language so effectively that people become
Visual Intelligence:
These people are picture smart. They observe a lot. The ability to
visualize with the mind’s eye and judge spacial characteristics. A
spatial person is good at puzzles, art and design.
Naturalistic Intelligence:
People having this are nature lovers, they can learn from nature n just
love to be with it. They even communicate with nature. They can predict
the weather, predict oils etc.
Intra person Intelligence:
We call these kind of people introvert. They know how to be with
themselves, they don’t need parties, groups and gathering like me to be
creative, to do work and to go for more. They do all of these things by
their own, they even enjoy their time alone doing nothing. Amazing,
isn’t it?
Inter Person Intelligence:
Here I come again. This intelligence allows you to build relationships,
to do networking. Business persons, marketers, HR Professionals, Social
Workers, youth activist have this intelligence.
Map n Space related intelligence:
These people remember structures, routes, drawings, they are usually
architectures n civil engineers.
Spatial Intelligence:
Spatial intelligence is the ability to think in three dimensions. Core
capacities include mental imagery, spatial reasoning, image
manipulation, graphic and artistic skills, and an active imagination.
Sailors, pilots, sculptors, painters, and architects all exhibit spatial
intelligence. Young adults with this kind of intelligence may be
fascinated with mazes or jigsaw puzzles, or spend free time drawing or
You must find out which one is dominant than all in you so that you can
channelize it properly. These nine intelligences support each other to
make you superficial and best of the creation.
For example: Vocal intelligence supports intelligence of Inter Person.
And Naturalistic Intelligence supports Intra Person Intelligence.
The question is which one are you having dominantly and how are you
going to utilize it to make yourself a fortune.
Source: Lecture of Mr. Qasim Ali Shah “9 human
intelligence” |