It takes somebody truly adventurous to be able to
venture through a vast natural cavern that is millions of years old.
While spelunking through most caves, you expect to find pale, blind
creatures, massive stalactites and stalagmites, and plenty of darkness.
But these incredible caves have something even more special to offer to
anyone who dares to explore their depths. I don’t know which of these I
should attempt to cross off my bucket list first!
Waitomo Glowworm Cave (New Zealand) - Formed over 30 million years ago,
this cave is one of the most brilliant displays of bioluminescence on
Earth. Thousands of glowworms, which are native to New Zealand, hang
from the walls of the cave from strands of silk and use their dazzling
blue light to attract prey. You may not ever find a cavern filled with
fairies, but this is pretty darn close.
Grotto Azzurra (Italy) - If you’re ever
near Capri, Italy, you NEED to take a trip to the Blue Grotto. Once
thought to be inhabited by sirens and devils, the cave is known for its
radiant blue water. When the sunlight enters the cave through an
underwater entrance, the water filters out the red light and leaves only
the blue light to illuminate the cavern. The result is an incredible
phenomenon that leaves no need for color enhancements on all the photos
you’ll take there.
Vatnajökull Glacier Cave (Iceland) - Formed entirely out of ice, glacier
caves are best to visit in the autumn and winter, when the ice isn’t as
likely to collapse and the glaciers don’t move as quickly. Many of them
also take on a bright blue color, which is common in parts of glaciers
(such as the underside, or in this case, the inside) which have not been
turned white by the sun’s UV rays. Would you be daring enough to venture
inside a cave that could melt?
Phraya Nakhon Cave (Thailand) - Inside the Khao Sam Roi Yot National
Park is the Phraya Nakhon: an incredible cave with an interesting
history behind it. Sunlight filters through the top of the structure’s
collapsed ceiling, illuminating the Kuha Karuhas pavilion that was
originally built in 1890 for King Chulalongkorn. Since its construction,
other local kings have visited the cave and left their signatures on its
walls. This is one cave that is majestic in every sense of the word.
Marble Caves (Chile) - Anyone who’s willing to travel to the General
Carrera Lake in Patagonia is in for a serious treat. Crystal-clear water
tinted a dazzling blue by glacial silt accentuates the intricate designs
in what many call he most amazing cave network in the world. The water
is also responsible for forming the unique shape of the caverns and
walls, making an Earthly cave appear very otherworldly.
Dongzhong Cave (China) - It’s thousands of years old, but now, this
otherwise ordinary cave serves as a classroom for 186 students and eight
teachers. Meaning “in cave” in Chinese, Dongzhong began its role as an
educational structure in 1984 and is now one of the coolest schools
around. I would have been way more excited to go to science class if I
knew it was happening here.
Reed Flute Cave (China) - Ok, I’ll be honest– the lighting in this
colorful cave is completely artificial. But does it really matter? The
Reed Flute cave has been a popular destination for well over a thousand
years, as evidenced by transcriptions inside that date back to 792 AD.
It was named for the reeds that grow just outside the entrance, which
can be made into flutes. The formations inside the cave are just
incredible, and combined with all the surreal lighting, they prove that
amazing things can happen when man and nature’s efforts combine.
Eisriesenwelt Ice Caves (Austria) - The world’s largest ice caves were
discovered in the late 19th century, which is pretty late considering
how awe-inspiring they are. The entire labyrinth stretches twenty-five
miles, and just like all ice caves, its structure both outside and
inside is constantly changing due to the ice that melts and refreezes.
Any dedicated spelunker would be missing out if they didn’t check out
Eisriesenwelt… but they’d be well-advised to bundle up first.
Ordinskaya (Russia) - Exploring Ordinskaya, or the Orda Cave, in
Russia’s Ural region is the perfect adventure for anyone who enjoys
their time in the water. The cave consists of over 3 miles of underwater
chambers, and while it is possible to get lost, rest assured that seeing
where you’re going won’t be an issue— the water is so clear that you can
see up to fifty yards ahead. After seeing this incredible place, you
might never want to come up on dry land again.
Cueva de los Cristales (Mexico) - Discovered in 2000
by two brothers who were drilling below the Naica mine near Chihuahua,
the Cave of Crystals is a glittering spectacle with temperatures that
can reach up to 112 degrees. Many of the crystals, which are estimated
to be about 600,000 years old, can be several feet thick, and the
smaller ones are razor sharp. Forget diamonds; if you really love a
woman, take her to a cave filled with crystals bigger than her wildest