Creepy Insects Could Be Crawling Around In Your Home Right NOW

(Source: viralnova)

Everyone has at least one fear in life, be it public speaking, ghosts, or even dying alone. However, the fear of insects is one of the most common fears amongst humans. Insects are everywhere in the world and outnumber us by a large margin. You'll unfortunately have to encounter these creepy-crawlies at one point or another, and there are certain few that you would definitely not want in your house. The insects below are deadly, plentiful, and an annoyance. They are the kind of insects that you would never want to encounter, but could still be fairly close to home.

Giant Huntsman Spider - With eight eyes, eight legs, and all sorts of scary, the giant huntsman spider can reach a leg span of about 10-12 inches.
Africanized Bees - If you find one of these guys in your bed, you probably have a much bigger problem, since there is likely an entire hive in your house. These bees are insanely aggressive and will attempt to kill anything that they want to.

Tsetse Fly - This fly is a known carrier of the "sleeping sickness," which is fatal to humans. Luckily, if it's caught early enough, it can be treated with modern medicine.

Japanese Mountain Leeches - What isn't there to fear about this leech? It can live comfortably on dry land, is pretty large, and wants to suck your blood.
Milkweed Grasshopper - If you find one of these around your house, do your best to keep it calm. When this bug feels threatened, it shoots out toxic liquids from its legs.
Thorny Devil Stick Insect - This insect is usually harmless to humans, but it doesn't negate its creepy appearance. It can grow up to 6 inches.
Giant African Millipede - The giant African millipede is one of the largest millipedes in existence. It grows up to 15.2 inches and sports 256 legs.
Giant Centipede - This creepy crawly can grow up to 12 inches, which would certainly put a scare in you if you saw it in bed.
American Cockroach - The worst part about these bugs is that if you see one, there are thousands of other ones to follow. No one wants that.

Japanese Giant Crab - With the largest leg span of any arthropod, the Japanese giant crab is a disturbingly big. It reaches up to 12 feet and weighs up to 42 pounds. (Okay, so maybe you'll never find this one in your own house.)

Asian Giant Hornet - This is the world's largest hornet. As you can imagine, this wasp has a particularly painful sting described as a "hot nail being driven through the skin."

Hercules Beetle - This beetle can lift up to 850 times its body weight. Yes, I think Hercules is a good name for it.

Giant African Land Snail - The creature is considered to be the most damaging snail in the world because it consumes at least 500 different types of plants. It's a slimy, gelatinous, slider that can reach up to 8 inches in length and 4 inches in diameter.

Human Botfly - The Human Botfly is known for laying eggs within people's skin. That's not what you'd call a good house guest.

Bullet Ant - The Bullet Ant has a bite so fierce that survivors of it say it feels like they were shot. You don't want this thing anywhere near you.