If You Get Through These Vintage Photos, You Won't Be Sleeping Much Tonight

(Source: viralnova)

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), an estimated 50 to 70 million American adults suffer from some type of sleep disorder. The cause of this nationwide exhaustion is attributed to a wide range of factors, including technology's ever-growing hold over the population, and that old American standby: poor diet.

It's so bad, in fact, that the CDC has called insufficient sleep in America a "public health hazard." So if you're one of those Americans who doesn't get enough sleep, then you might want to avoid these creepy vintage photos. They'll fuel your nightmares, and they certainly won't help you in the sleep department...

The room of animal death.
Hopefully these are just masks.

Clowns...I don't like clowns.

She apparently had some powers.
There's nothing more terrifying than a skeleton smoking a cigar.
Worst garden gnomes ever? I think so.
And then there's this horrifying vintage face swap.
He's watching from the darkness.
A double exposure, maybe?

They're waiting for you in the fog.

Here we have the scariest family portrait ever.

If you ever need your car resurrected, these vintage Satanists have you covered.

 I really hope these are just dolls...

 More clowns. Why?!

 Just looking at this guy's face is horrifying.

Out of context, this photo is a nightmare.

Umm...well, ok then.