Sci-fi writer H.P. Lovecraft once said that the ocean
"is more ancient than the mountains, and freighted with the memories and
the dreams of Time." We land-dwellers can sometimes take the ocean for
granted, but we really shouldn't, since the Earth's surface is 70%
water. When you think of it that way, this is the ocean's planet, and
we're just guests.
Here are some crazy facts about oceans that will instill upon you a
healthy fear of water.
Spanning an astonishing 1,600 miles, the Great Barrier Reef is the
largest living structure on the planet. It can even be seen from space.
The Rockall --- a 30-meter-wide rock protruding from the ocean 290 miles
off the coast of Great Britain --- has had less than 20 humans stand
upon it throughout history.
Sea monsters might really exist! With so
much of the ocean still left unexplored, it's estimated that 86% of
Earth's species have yet to be discovered.
50% of all United States territory lies below the ocean.
There's a spot in the Pacific Ocean called the "White Shark Cafe." This
is where great white sharks congregate to mate.
99% of all shark species have been eradicated.
The longest mountain range on the planet is actually below the ocean.
The Mid-Ocean Ridge, which cuts down the center of the Atlantic ocean,
is 23,000 miles long, with peaks far higher than those of the Alps. It
takes up 23% of the Earth's total surface.
Most of the oxygen on this planet comes from microscopic, ocean-dwelling
animals called phytoplankton.
The average depth of the ocean is 12,400 feet. Light can only
penetrate about 330 feet, therefore most of our planet is in constant
Jellyfish have claimed 15--30 times more lives than
sharks have.
Experts estimate that there are 20 million tons of
gold still under the ocean.
One milliliter of ocean water contains one million
bacteria and ten million viruses. Most of them are harmless. Most of
There are more artifacts from human history at the
bottom of the ocean than there are in all the museums on the planet