The Most Corrupt Countries In The World

(Source: list25)

Want to know which are the top corrupt countries / governments in the world? While corruption can be found in just about every country, it is more widespread in some than others. We looked through a list of countries from failed states to emerging democracies to present you with the list of some most corrupt countries in the world.


Following nearly 30 years of dictatorship, Paraguay descended into factional power struggles and political instability. Since then it has become a center for drug smuggling, money laundering, and organized crime. Although civil war and violence are not as prevalent as on the rest of this list, poverty and corruption are rife.

Republic of the Congo

Following decades of civil war, the economic situation has improved slightly but most of the population still live in poverty, civil unrest is still an issue, and rule of law has yet to take hold.



Almost immediately following independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, Tajikistan was engulfed in civil war. Although the conflict has ended, the economy has not picked up and poverty is widespread.



Inadequate infrastructure, poverty, a refugee crisis, and civil unrest have defined much of the country’s struggle for the past few decades.


After decades of murderous genocide and civil war, Cambodia has enjoyed relative peace for the last 2 decades although civil unrest continues. It is also still one of the poorest countries in the world.

Burma (Myanmar)

After 40 years of rule by a military junta, this reclusive state held its first election in 2010. In spite of this, conflict remains as the Burmese majority has been accused of numerous human rights abuses against minority groups. The country is also one of the least developed in the world and remains very rural and poor.


Under the longtime authoritarian rule of Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s economy and infrastructure have become a mess with most of its population living in abject poverty.


A poor country dominated by years of ethnic violence and genocide, Burundi managed to stabilize itself briefly but is constantly on the verge of falling back into conflict.


An international pariah and focal point of conflict, Syria has been fraught with violence, genocide, and ethnic conflict. Lawlessness is prevalent and groups such as Islamic State have claimed much of its territory.


Another former Portuguese colony, Angola underwent a 30 year civil war following its independence that has left it as one of the poorest nations on Earth. Ironically enough, it is actually quite wealthy in terms of natural resources but due to high levels of corruption and violence most of the population is displaced and poor.


Until a new internationally backed government was restored in 2012, Somalia was basically a no-man’s land of pirates, warlords, and gangs. Unfortunately the country has a long way to go before things get cleared up.