Entrepreneurial Education Workshop for BAP
participants by MIT Enterprise Forum of Pakistan was held in Karachi
from June 10th - 11th 2015. This was the initial program of the series.
The two days workshop was extensive that involved a mix of training
sessions and hands-on exercises of a business plan and elevator pitch.
The next program of the series is scheduled to held in Lahore from 13-14
June 2015, and in Islamabad from 16-17 June 2015.
MITEFP Business Acceleration Program’s (BAP) objective is to help IT/ITES/Telecom/
New Media Companies operating in Pakistan, to accelerate their business
to a next level, to improve the chances of success of Women Led
Technology Start-ups/Existing Companies and to assist Researchers take
the path of Commercialization. This is part of the MITEFP-Pakistan and
OPEN overall goal of building and sustaining the Entrepreneurial Echo
system of Pakistan.
MITEFP’s mission is to improve the economic well being of the people of
Pakistan through development of an Entrepreneurship Promotion Program.
This is in line with the MITEF global mission i.e. the formation and
growth of innovative and technologically-oriented companies through
specialized executive education programs. Through these programs, the
Forum provides networking, leadership opportunities, and life-long
connections to MIT while showcasing MIT's role in entrepreneurship in
communities around the world.
This is USAID funding program that will give the opportunity to the
winner of all three categories; a fully funded trip to USA including as
amazing one week training at MIT and showcasing of team’s
products/services in 3 US cities. |