Well, most likely you won’t actually shed a tear
(unless you’re really, really, really sensitive) because except for a
few genuinely depressing facts…RIP Flipper…the sadness we are referring
to with this list is more of the funny/cute kind. With that said, these
are some sad facts about animals that might make you shed a tear.
A group of seagulls is called a wreck
Most young crocodiles won't become adults because the color of their
skin makes them stand out to predators
Starving mice will eat themselves
Jellyfish evaporate in sunlight
The first bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin during WWII killed the
only elephant in the zoo
In 1740 a French cow was hung to death for sorcery
Some captive bears have been known to intentionally starve
themselves to death
To provide footballs for one NFL season, it requires over 3,000 cows
Tunas will suffocate if they stop swimming
Wolves have been known to chew off their own legs if
they get caught in a trap
While mice eat themselves out of hunger, octopi do so
out of stress
Mice can sense sadness in other mice which makes them
sad too
Garden lizards have been known to eat their own tails
for calcium
A sea turtle will never meet its mother