Some People Broke The Record Of Laziness

(Source: shughal)

If you think you’re the laziest person on this planet, well, maybe you’re right. HA! We all have that lazy soul in us, don’t we now? The following pictures will you show you the height of laziness of some people. Sit back and enjoy, you’re not the only one who is so lazy.

Guess lazy and broke at the same time.
Stairs or escalator? Escalator all the way!

Laziest person award should be presented to the maker of this clock.

Because a fire-fighter can work and relax at the same time.
Wondering how he’ll eat the last bit of that burger?
Because cleaning while standing is too mainstream.
Planning on throwing them tomorrow? Tomorrow never comes.
 Lazy or genius?
Shhh…Who would know? HA!

Weeeee… this is actually looks fun..

Lets see if this works.. I’m sure it will.

Cleaning tables made easier.