There are millions, even billions of different types
of animals and species. They all have special abilities and
characteristics that help them survive in their habitats. Humans are
still learning about the animals we see everyday. There are a lot of
creature that we really don’t know about. Part of the reason we don’t
know much about them is because they are terrifying. Whether it’s the
way they look, or the way they act, these animals probably will never be
on anyone’s list to have as a pet. This list will show you some of the
mos terrifying animal on earth and where they are.
Poodle Moth
There isn’t much information on the poodle moth. We know that it is
possibly a fairly new species of moth discovered in 2009 by Dr. Arthur
Anker of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. He found it in the Gran Sabana region of
Venezuela. It bears similarities to the Muslin Moth, but is not
classified the same. We also know that is it scary looking and that I
will not be making any trips to Venezuela anytime soon. |
Cyclops Shark
Seeing a cyclops shark is very rare. Once you do see it you will wish
you didn’t. It just freakishly terrifying to look at. A shark should
have two eyes that’s the way thing should naturally be. Cyclops sharks
are not a normal occurrence it is a deformity known as Cyclopia that can
happen to humans and other animals as well. This one-eyed shark was
found in Mexico when a fisher found it in the stomach of another, bigger
and normal shark. |
Goliath Tiger
Fish There are too many types of fish to even count. There are some
species of fish we have yet to see. One type of fish that we don’t want
to see is the Goliath tiger fish. The Goliath tiger fish is found in the
Congo River Basin and Lake Tanganyika in Africa. The Goliath tiger fish
has big sharp teeth to feed on other fish. There have been some
incidents in the Congo, where people have been attacked. |
Marabou Stork
The marabou stork is a large wading bird. It is not the stork that is
usually animated and used as a way to tell kids where babies come from.
This stork is ugly. It is often times called the “undertaker” bird.
These large birds can be found in Africa south of the Sahara, in both
wet and dry habitats, often near where humans live. |
Lobster Moth
Caterpillar The lobster moth caterpillar’s name is self explanatory.
This caterpillar has resembles to a lobster, but not the lobster that is
served on a plate. The caterpillar looks much worst. It lives in the
whole Palearctic ecozone which cover Europe and Asia, and Africa, except
the North of Africa. In England it is more frequent in the Southern
Asian Sheepshead Wrasse
Lucky for us we don’t really get to see the terrifying and weird looking
animals that live in the ocean. The Asian Sheepshead Wrasse is one of
those animals. It is the largest species of wrasse, and is native to the
western Pacific Ocean. It is only known from the Korean Peninsula,
China, Japan, and the Ogasawara Islands, where it inhabits rocky reef
Tube Nosed Fruit Bat
Regular bats look scary and this one is one of the scarier ones. The
tube nosed fruit bat looks like a sneak and devilish animal. It lives in
subtropical or tropical dry forests. They can be found in the
Philippines, Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon
Islands. Due to deforestation, the tube nosed fruit bat is facing
Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko
The name it self is terrifying. The satanic leaf-tailed gecko has a tail
that looks like a leaf allowing it to blend in with the trees and shrubs
in its habitat. It relies on this camouflage to hunt his food at night
and to keep from becoming food during the day. This little guy can be
found only on the island of Madagascar. |
Frilled Shark
If you thought a great white shark was the most terrifying of the
species, you obviously have not seen the frilled shark. Frilled sharks
are found in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. They stay close to the
bottom of the ocean, and rarely make their way to higher depths. The
long, extremely flexible jaws enable it to swallow prey whole, while its
many rows of small, needle-like teeth make it difficult for the prey to
escape. It feeds on fish and other sharks.
Wolf Fish
The bottom of the ocean is another world. It is home to some vicious
fish like the wolf fish. This fish is far from your pet gold fish. As a
matter of fact it will probably eat your pet gold fish. They produce a
natural anti-freeze to keep their blood moving fluently as they swim in
the cold waters of the Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans. The wolf fish
has sharp teeth to snag its prey as it swims by.