Secular, Democratic and “Mahan” Bharat as the natives
call it! Classified as one of the most populous countries; known for its
geo-political location, resources, armed forces, and last but not the
least Immorality. There is no doubt about the fact that since past few
years India has progressed economically so much so that they have
started considering their neighbors like an ANT whom they can crush any
Power hungry and dominating nature of India is nothing new for us. This
is the reason why foreign policy of Pakistan cannot remain stagnant with
the hostile neighbor India. The level of immaturity of Indian think
thank can be judged by the fact that they starts shelling on Line of
Control after losing a cricket series to Pakistan, or an unsuccessful
foreign trip of their newly elected Prime Minister.
Pakistan army is successfully conducting “Operation Zarb-e- Azb”
eradicating the miscreants funded by foreign agencies. There is no doubt
about the fact that Indians are involved in importing terrorism to
Pakistan. However, the current efforts of Pakistan Army have turned it
into a doomed mission. The aggression and frustration of India is
spilled out on Line of Control and working boundary where they shell the
Pakistani locals. Childish isn’t it?

This article will cover the India’ growing urge for war, violation of
International borders and ignorance towards the strength of Pakistan.
Ever changing India Pakistan Relations
War like situations, SAARC conference PM hand shake gestures, Kashmir
issue, media hype of political leaders meetings between the two
countries, cold war tactics of India and “AMAN KI ASHA” Peace Talks. The
relationship between India and Pakistan keeps on circulating within
these factors. It seems like there is a seasonal relationship status
between the two countries that merely depend on the mentality of their
respective think tanks. Peace is what both countries urge to have on
media platforms; while in real it’s not the case. Pakistan is eager to
have workable solution on table while Indians are dying to showcase
their power on battlefield. In short, PEACE is nothing but a Drama of
Indians. It can be rightly said that Kashmir, Indian involvement in
Pakistan’s internal affairs, LOC violations are the biggest hurdle in
decent India Pakistan relations.
India’s War Madness & LOC Violations
The urge of showing aggressiveness and creating war like situations by
India is nothing new for us. Indian government and its media seems like
living in “dreamland” where they consider themselves as some kick ass
“Super Power” and Pakistan as Syria or Palestine. The Indian media
broadcast reports that they can easily enter Pakistan and attack the
terrorist locations in Pakistan WITHOUT being counterattacked by
Pakistani forces! Like seriously?

The story does not end here as they mess around with
Pakistan on LoC and working boundary. According to the reports of ISPR,
so far there have been 72 ceasefire violations from the Indian side of
the LoC and the Working Boundary. Pakistani troops have responded each
one of them with full force until the Indian guns gone quiet. The Line
of Control violations have claimed several lives of innocent Pakistani
civilians on which Pakistan has launched its official protest on
international forums.
India’s Ignorance of Pakistani Army and its
Nuclear Arsenal
The rising temperature on Line of Control and aggressive anti Pakistan
statements by Indian government officials depicts that India is ignorant
about Pakistan Army’s strengths and its progressing nuclear program.
Since past few years, Pakistan Army has been involved in war against
terror in the Western side of the border including North and South
Waziristan. They have conducted various military operations against the
miscreants and have sent them to hell. This has helped Pak Army to
improve its war tactics and professionally develop their battle skills.
This is definitely a plus for Pak Army over Indian counterparts.
Pakistan is equipped with latest missile technology capable of defending
every inch of homeland. The missile system of Pakistan can be break down
into three categories; including battlefield ballistic missiles, short
range ballistic Missile, and medium range Ballistic missile. Battle
field ballistic missile includes Nasr and Hatf 1 ranging from 60 to 100
kilometers. Short range ballistic missiles include Shaheen, Ghauri,
Abdali, and Ghaznavi and can target 200 to 1500 kilometers easily.
Medium range ballistic missiles include Ghauri 2 can take 750 kg of
warhead to 1800 kilometers targeting half of India, and supersonic
ballistic missile Shaheen 2 can target up to 2000 kilometers. Shaheen 3
can target 2750 Kilometers with ease targeting the entire India.
A Russian President once exclaimed that “if he had Pakistan’s army and
Russian weapons he could conquer the entire world because they are very
brave.” This statement depicts the vision of world towards Pakistan
Army. India should not take the desire for peace as our weakness. The
Pakistani think tank is wise enough to realize that all disputes should
be sorted out on table. Whereas the Indians prefer to day dream about
war and conquering Pakistan. Time will disclose that the fate and
prosperity of the subcontinent lies in nothing but, PEACE.