Shocking Psychic Predictions

(Source: shughal)

Psychic Predictions: Do you know that your subconscious knows what you are going to do way before you actually do it? That’s believable. However, it is rather unusual for people to predict the future and apocalyptic events. To be honest, the predictions sound quite ridiculous, but when the prophecy does come true, it can be terrifying. These people actually predicted the future but no one believed them. Take a look!

1. Bill Cooper predicted the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Centre two month before on a radio broadcast. He was murdered shortly after.
2. Nostradamus, a famous French seer, predicted the arrival of Hitler, 9/11 attacks, atomic bombings of Japan and numerous more!

3. Centuries ago, in 1660s, a philosopher named Robert Boyle predicted that humans would be able to transplant organs from one person to another.

4. Three days before his assassination, Abraham Lincoln dreamed about his own death and funeral.
5. In 1865, a French novelist called Jules Verne wrote about man’s first trip to the moon. He specifically listed out the details about the rocket, its launch from Florida, gravity and everything the crew would experience.
6. Jeffrey Palmer is a psychic whose several predictions came true including volcano eruptions, tsunamis, and Hurricane Katrina.
7. Morgan Robertson predicted the sinking of Titanic in his novella called ‘Futility, Or The Wreck of the Titan’ and death of people due to lack of lifeboats!
8. John Elfreth Watkins, Jr. predicted the use of television sets and cell phones in 1900!
9. In Aneyoshi, Japan, hundreds of ancient stone tablets stand atop a hill on which the same warning is carved, ‘Do not build your homes below this point!’ The stones were erected to warn residents about the dangers of tsunamis.

10. Remember Paul the Octopus? It’s not a human being, but octopuses are highly intelligent. Paul accurately predicted the results of all Germany’s 2010 World Cup matches.