Things You Might Not Know About Cars

(Source: List25)

In many parts of the world cars are one of those things that you just can’t live without. For some of you it is probably something that you use every single day. But for others it may be a rarity. Either way, we’re sure you’ll find something you didn’t know concerning automobiles in this list. While most people think automobiles were developed by Henry Ford, the Model T car wasn’t developed until 1908. In 1886, more than 20 years prior to that, Karl Benz invented the first official car in Germany. Today his company is known as Mercedes-Benz. What the Model T did accomplish, however, was to become the first car made affordable to the masses. Although cars have changed the way we live our lives in many positive ways, they have also contributed to some negative effects. For example, the number one injury-related cause of death in the world is car accidents. Cars and fuel have also been blamed as major causes of global warming. All of this is the price we pay for the convenience of having our own vehicles. So, whether you drive a car every day or you have never driven one at all, these are some Things You Might Not Know About Cars And Driving!

In Churchill, Canada residents leave their cars unlocked so that passing pedestrians can take shelter if they happen across a polar bear

Somebody once stole Mr Rogers' car but returned it after they realized who he was

The ignition on Porsches is always on the left. This is because they used to be racing cars and drivers could save some time by starting the car with their left hand and shifting into gear with their right
If you press your car remote button more than 256 times while it is out of range, it can lose synchronization with your car and stop working
Nearly 3/4 of the cars ever produced by Rolls Royce are still on the road
A taxi driver in Greece has recorded the highest mileage ever on a Mercedes at nearly 3 million miles. He donated his car to a museum and was given a new one.
Bridget Driscoll of the UK became the first victim of a car crash. She was hit by a car traveling 4mph.
In many European countries, your car headlights can never be turned off, even during the day

The first car to have a rear view mirror was driven by Ray Harroun during the Indy 500 in 1911 so he could see his competitors catching up to him

In California it is legal to drive a motorcycle between two lanes (and two cars). Known as lane-splitting, most people don't realize that this is in fact legal (53% at last poll)

In South Africa it is legal to attach flamethrowers to the bottom of your car in order to ward off car jackers