10 Most Expensive Useless Things You Can Buy

(Source: webchutney)

These are some of the most expensive thing money can buy, they also happen to be the most useless things you can buy. Like gold plated staples cost $210 for 24 staples. Questions is would you use them?

Gold plated staples

These are some of the most expensive thing money can buy, they also happen to be the most useless things you can buy. Like gold plated staples cost $210 for 24 staples. Questions is would you use them?

Diamond Contact lenses

At $15,000 these lenses are the most expensive ones in the world. These will definitely leave a sparkle in your eye and a hole in your wallet


A Golden stitched diamond cricket ball

This was created for the ICC Cricket World Cup 2007 and is the most expensive cricket ball ever made for $68,500


Ruby and diamond pen

This pen contains 150 carats of invisible set Burma rubies and 15 carats diamonds pen and is worth $595,000

Platinum handbag

This handbag was designed by Ginza Tanaka in 2007 is platinum plated with diamonds. it costs $1,630,000

Diamond encrusted tea bag

Yes, If you want to taste richness you can have this diamond encrusted tea bag for only $14,000

Golden Lego

This golden Lego block, yes just one block is made from 25.65 grams of 14 carat gold and is going for $14,450

A diamond skull

This skull has 8,601 encrusted diamonds on it and a 52 carat pink diamond located in the center and is being sold for $100 million

Diamond Chess Game

This chess game is going for $600,000 and is made of 320 carats of black and white diamonds.

Golden toilet paper

An Australian based toilet paper man decided to make a 3 ply roll of toilet paper made from 22 carat gold flakes. It costs $1,376,900