Some interesting facts about babies - Part 1

Babies are a bundle of joy. However, they aren't just cute and adorable. Their impressive set of skills and the amazing facts about them will surprise you. Did you know that every 3 seconds a baby is born and that a new born baby has just about one cup of blood in his body? Amazed?

Here are some interesting facts about babies that you probably didn't know:

One cup of blood:

A newborn baby has about one cup of blood in his body.

A new born baby sees in black and white:

Because nerve cells in his retina and brain that control vision are not fully developed.


A baby has three times as many tastebuds as adults:

In addition to their tongue, new born babies have taste buds on the roof, back, and sides of their mouth.


A new born baby can't cry tears:

Though babies are born with working tear ducts and glands, initially they produce tears only to lubricate and protect the eye. However, these glands develop with time and start producing enough teardrops (when the baby is between 1 and 3 months old).

Babies are born with the ability to swim:

Babies are born with natural swimming abilities and can also hold their breath. However, these abilities quickly disappear.