How To Eat Right According To Your Blood Type

(Source: healthyfoodteam)

Did you know that During the middle ages dentures were made of teeth pulled from the mouths of dead soldiers? These are some things you won’t believe actually happened in history!

During the middle ages dentures were made of teeth pulled from the mouths of dead soldiers
When he lost his leg Mexican General Santa Anna held a state funeral for it

Before the 19th century animals were often put on trial

If a Japanese Samurai lost a battle or was capture he would disembowel himself. This was known as seppuku
Europeans during the 15th century ate corpses because they thought it would heal their sicknesses
In the early 1900s many tobacco companies ran physician endorsed smoking ads
At the start of World War I the US Air Force only had 18 pilots
England and Zanzibar once went to war for 38 minutes.
Most British tanks since World War II are fully equipped…to make tea

If Mansa Musa I of Mali (ruled in 1300s) was alive today he would be worth 400 billion USD and is widely considered to be the richest man in history

In the last 3,500 years the civilized world has only seen about 200 years of significant peace

Seven out of ten of the deadliest wars in history were fought in China

The Mayans sacrificed people by pulling their still beating hearts out of their chests

When some pharaohs in Ancient Egypt died they were sealed into their tombs along with all of their still-alive servants

Roman Emperor Commodus once rounded up all of the disabled people in Rome and had them fight to the death in the Colosseum

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