Household items people don't realise have an expiration date - which you should bin immediately

(Source: mirror)

Whether it's a layer of tell-tale mould (which you may choose to scrape off) or a slight pong (which you may decide to ignore), we know in our heart of hearts when it's time to consign a food item to the bin.

Much in the same way we know when an item of clothing is a due a date with the washing machine .

You might even be one of those super-virtuous types who knows when it's time to replace various make-up items and wash their tools.

But to our surprise and alarm, it's not just food and cosmetics which have a best-before.

Our homes are literally chock-full of things which, while not strictly 'perishable', do have expiration dates - and some are pretty unexpected.

Here, according to research conducted by Brightside , is a list of the household items we really shouldn't hang on to for too long.

Towels, every 1 to 3 years

More bad news. Even regular washes can't prevent our towels from being the perfect environment for bacteria growth.

Hairbrushes, every year

Yikes, this one distresses us. Not only should hairbrushes be cleaned once a week, they also need to be replaced once a year.

And if you own a brush made from natural boar bristle, then that's every 7 - 10 months.


Slippers, every six months

Those comfy, trusty, maybe-a-little-bit-pongy slippers of yours, which you slip your tired feet into every night?

They should be washed / replaced every six months as they are perfect environment for spreading fungal infections.


Sponges, every two weeks

One of the worst offenders on the list, sponges and shower puffs breed fungus every two weeks, so need replacing regularly.

Alternatively, they can be boiled in hot water to purge them of any nasties.

Toothbrushes, every three months

So we know you can't hang on to these for too long. But be aware - if you've had a cold or the flu, you ought to replace your toothbrush straightaway or you risk getting ill again.

Pillows, every 2 to 3 years

Your bed might be your happy place but consider replacing your pillows every two years or so, as they can quickly become homes for dust mites and can cause neck problems due to losing their shape.

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