Oldest Surviving Examples of Ordinary Things We Use Everyday

(Source: amazfacts)

You’re probably not wondering about it, but most of the things you are using every day is known humanity for centuries. When you realize that the oldest socks in the world are 2.500 years-old, and pants 3.300 years-old, you might feel a little strange. Keep in mind that these are only the oldest surviving examples of these objects – many of these may have existed or are known to have existed even earlier.Here is a list of the oldest examples of everyday objects.

Oldest Chewing Gum (5,000 years old) - This chewing gum from Finland was chewed at least 5,000 years ago. The gum consists of birch bark, and was most likely used to heal mouth infections or to use as glue. (Image credits: metro.co.uk)

Oldest Coin (2,700 years old) - The oldest known coin was found in the ancient Hellenic city of Efesos in Turkey. Its one (and only) decorated side features a lion’s head.

Oldest Globe (510 years old) - This old globe was painstakingly etched into the surface of an ostrich egg in Italy. Before its age and origin were verified, it had been sold to its current owner at a map fair in London in 2012
Oldest Instrument (40,000 years old) - A vulture-bone flute dating back 35,000 years, also discovered in Germany.
Oldest Pants (3,300 years old) - The oldest pair of pants in the world is 3,300 years old, and it was found in Western China. (Image credits: M Wagner/German Archaeological Institute)
Oldest Purse (4,500 years old) - These dog teeth are all that remain of a disintegrated purse from roughly 4,500 years ago found in Germany. They were likely part of the outer flap.
Oldest Shoe (5,500 years old) - 5,500 years old and found in Armenia, it’s made from a single piece of oiled cow leather and bound with leather laces. The other shoe wasn’t found.
Oldest Sunglasses (800 years old) - The world’s oldest sunglasses were discovered on Baffin Island in Canada. They were snow goggles, designed to reduce the sun’s glare reflecting from the snow.

Sandals Socks - Made for wearing with sandals back in 400 AD.

Oldest Statue - " The Lion Man " dating back to 40,000 bc, was found in Southern Germany. It was carved from a single piece of mammoth tusk.