A picture
is worth a thousand words, but not all pictures are created equal. Some
are inspirational and happy, and some are tragic and terribly graphic.
we present the most popular pictures of 2016 on social media:
This photograph of President Barack Obama meeting President-elect Donald
Trump in Oval Office on 10th November 2016, a day after the Presidential
elections meant a lot to the world.
This heart wrenching image of
five-year-old Syrian boy Omran Daqneesh who sits at the back of an
ambulance after being rescued from airstrikes in Aleppo has saddened the
This image of Usain Bolt was captured during his semi-final race in the
Rio Olympics 2016. It was his last ever Olympics and he won the gold
medal in the final so the image was quiet an impactful for the year.
In July 2016, an attempted military coup by a group within the Turkish
armed forces calling itself the Peace at Home Council was stifled in
less than 24 hours, after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called
on his supporters to take to the streets and repel the uprising. This
photo shows the Turkish military standing in front of the Republic
Monument at Taksim Square in Istanbul.
“I love the contrast of the ancient and the advanced between the Great
Pyramids of Giza and the solar-powered monoplane, Solar Impulse 2,
flying above on its around-the-world-trip. And that sunlight hitting the
plane makes it stand out from the murky desert landscape and the
silhouetted pyramids.” — Steve Cook (Jean Revillard/Solar Impulse2/AFP)
“I had seen many heartbreaking images of refugees crammed in boats,
dying, trying to escape the horrors happening in Syria — but none moved
me quite the way this photo did. The photo of Eritrean refugees swimming
to a rescue boat off the coast of Libya made the crisis very real for
me. Photographer Emilio Morenatti captured their desperation and
struggle as they swam for their lives. At that moment, it felt as if
they were swimming to me.” — Dee Swann
Giant sinkhole and restoration, Fukuoka, Japan (8 and 15 November)
Marina Imasato, Hiroko Harima/AP - Two sinkholes had appeared in the
main road of Hakata, the biggest city in Fukuoka – then joined to make
one enormous hole, about 20m squared.
Supporters take selfies with Hillary Clinton (25 September) - Barbara
Kinney/Hillary Clinton campaign- There were about 500 people that
couldn’t fit in the main campaign event in Orlando, Florida, so Hillary
went and visited them in an adjacent room afterwards. She suggested they
could do a group selfie, and then she posed with the crowd for it. It
was great fun.
A guardsman
faints at the trooping the colour (11 June) - Dylan Martinez/Reuters -
This image was taken at the Horse Guards Parade, to celebrate the
Queen’s 90th birthday. There were about a dozen photographers stood with
me. You’re just hoping to get nice pictures of the Queen, who turns up
in a carriage, and the royal family – William and Charles are on horses,
all dressed up, looking very spectacular. Obviously it’s not the first
time that a guard has fainted, so it’s always in the back of your mind,
but I didn’t expect it that day. It wasn’t a particularly hot day – I
was wearing a jacket. |