Aha Moment Meaning

(idiomatic) The moment or instance at which the solution to a problem or other significant realization becomes clear.

Example: 1994 Jan. 30, Peter Rainer, "Spielberg backlash strikes ‘Schindler’," Toledo Blade (USA), p. E2 (retrieved 15 Aug 2012):
  We are never made to understand why Oskar Schindler, the Nazi war profiteer, risked his life to save more than 1,200 Jews; there is no defining Aha! moment that accounts for his heroism.
2007 March 8, Lisa Takeuchi Cullen, "The Zeal For the Job," Time:
  Her aha moment came in 2003: "This, I realized, was my passion."
2009 May 28, Miguel Helft, "Microsoft’s Search for a Name Ends With a Bing," New York Times (retrieved 15 Aug 2012):
  Microsoft’s marketing gurus hope that Bing will evoke . . . a sound — the ringing of a bell that signals the “aha” moment when a search leads to an answer.