All And Sundry Meaning

(separately) Each one.

Example: 1581, Alexander Henderson & Archibald Johnston, National Covenant of the Church of Scotland
  And decerns and declares all and sundry, who either gainsay the word of the evangel [...] to be no members of the said kirk within this realm, and true religion presently professed, so long as they keep themselves so divided from the society of Christ's body.
1905, Baroness Emmuska Orczy, chapter 2, The Affair at the Novelty Theatre[1]:
  Miss Phyllis Morgan, as the hapless heroine dressed in the shabbiest of clothes, appears in the midst of a gay and giddy throng; she apostrophises all and sundry there, including the villain, and has a magnificent scene which always brings down the house, and nightly adds to her histrionic laurels.
1919, W. Somerset Maugham, The Moon and Sixpence, chapter 49
  From morning till night you saw her sitting on a low chair in the kitchen, surrounded by a Chinese cook and two or three native girls, giving her orders, chatting sociably with all and sundry, and tasting the savoury messes she devised.