Auld Lang Syne Meaning

(idiomatic) Days gone by; former times.

Example: 1849, Charlotte Brontë, Shirley, Wordsworth Editions (ISBN 9781853260643), page 358
  That 'auld lang syne' had still its authority both with preceptor and scholar was proved by the manner in which he sometimes promptly passed the distance she usually maintained between them, and put down her high reserve with a firm, quiet hand.
1861, Mrs Beeton's Household Management, Wordsworth Editions (ISBN 9781840222685), page 518
  Diners a la Russe may possibly, erewhile, save modern gentlemen the necessity of learning the art which was in auld lang syne one of the necessary accomplishments of the youthful squire [...]
1928, Percy Grainger, Self-Portrait of Percy Grainger, Oxford University Press (ISBN 9780190294090)
  It is in 'auld lang syne' that we who are dead find our full despotic kingdom at last — that oneness of sway that even the truest, sweetest love can never assure us of while living.