Chicken Liver Meaning

(slang) A coward.

Example: Used other than as an idiom: see chicken,‎ liver.
2013, Andrea K. Vizenor, The Dragon Prince (ISBN 1491832487), page 48:
  This is Rob's home too, you chicken liver!
2005, A State of Mind, My Story (ISBN 1578730023), page 26:
  The boys were becoming irritable and fistfights broke out. Between shouted threats and name calling — "turkey breath"; "frog face"; "stupid turd"; "just try ... I dare you, chicken liver" — I had come to the conclusion that prison life was not working for the inmates […]
2014, Peggy Hoge, Rusty Zipper: Seventeenth of the Prairie Preacher Series (ISBN 149906375X):
  â€œShow yourselves, you chicken livers.” He repeatedly yelled tauntingly into the Zipper's megaphone. “Come, they will be dying soon. Are you just going to watch? Come, save them.It is their only chance.”