Meaning in
(ग्रहण किया हुआ)
meaning in Hindi is
Grahan Kiya Hua. Find all of the relevant Hindi meanings of
below. English translation along with definitions is also mentioned. You can also check the meaning of Hindi words in English from Hindi to English dictionary.
Grahan Kiya Hua |
ग्रहण किया हुआ |
Sankuchit |
संकुचित |
Similar Words With Hindi Meaning
Contracted Definition & Meaning In English
- (a.) Bargained for; betrothed; as, a contracted peace.
- (a.) Drawn together; shrunken; wrinkled; narrow; as, a contracted brow; a contracted noun.
- (imp. & p. p.) of Contract
- (a.) Narrow; illiberal; selfish; as, a contracted mind; contracted views.
- (v. i.) To be drawn together so as to be diminished in size or extent; to shrink; to be reduced in compass or in duration; as, iron contracts in cooling; a rope contracts when wet.
- (n.) To draw together so as to wrinkle; to knit.
- (n.) To shorten by omitting a letter or letters or by reducing two or more vowels or syllables to one.
- (a.) Contracted; affianced; betrothed.
- (a.) Contracted; as, a contract verb.
- (n.) To draw together or nearer; to reduce to a less compass; to shorten, narrow, or lessen; as, to contract ones sphere of action.
- (v. i.) To make an agreement; to covenant; to agree; to bargain; as, to contract for carrying the mail.
- (n.) To enter into, with mutual obligations; to make a bargain or covenant for.
- (n.) The agreement of two or more persons, upon a sufficient consideration or cause, to do, or to abstain from doing, some act; an agreement in which a party undertakes to do, or not to do, a particular thing; a formal bargain; a compact; an interchange of legal rights.
- (n.) To bring on; to incur; to acquire; as, to contract a habit; to contract a debt; to contract a disease.
- (n.) To betroth; to affiance.
- (n.) The act of formally betrothing a man and woman.
- (n.) A formal writing which contains the agreement of parties, with the terms and conditions, and which serves as a proof of the obligation.
- (n.) The state of being contracted; narrowness; meanness; selfishness.
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Contracted Meaning in Hindi
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meaning in Hindi is
ग्रहण किया हुआ
and it can write in roman as
Grahan Kiya Hua. Along with the Hindi meaning of
Contracted, multiple definitions are also stated to provide a complete meaning of
Contracted. Check the spelling of the word
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in a sentence. This English to Hindi dictionary also allows you to translate the word in Hindi to English by searching in a given bar.
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