In The Way Of Meaning

(idiomatic) Similar to; as an instance of; as a kind of.

Example: 1852, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin, ch. 12:
  He had seen Death many times, - met him in the way of trade, and got acquainted with him.
1903, Robert Louis Stevenson, Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes, ch. 13:
  Of what that involves in the way of doctrine I have no idea nor the time to inform myself.
2011 Sept. 2, Sonia van Gilder Cooke, "Harvard's a Bargain — If You're From the U.K.," Time:
  Certainly their extracurricular talents in the way of sport have not gone unnoticed.
1882, Mark Twain, The Prince and the Pauper, ch. 34:
  The King sought out the farmer who had been branded and sold as a slave . . . and put him in the way of a comfortable livelihood.
1891, Thomas Hardy, Tess of the d'Urbervilles, ch. 4:
  But it would certainly put her in the way of a grand marriage.
1990, Stephen King, The Stand, ch. 59:
  I am in the way of knowing that one of you will not reach your destination, but I don’t know which will be the one to fall. I am in the way of knowing that the rest will be taken before this man Flagg, who is not a man at all but a supernatural being. [...] It’s not my place to argue with you, or convince, but only to put you in the way of understanding God’s plan for you.
1861, Charles Dickens, Great Expectations, ch. 19:
  "My dear young friend, rely upon my doing my little all in your absence, by keeping the fact before the mind of Joseph. - Joseph!" said Mr. Pumblechook, in the way of a compassionate adjuration.
1906, O. Henry, "The Gift Of The Magi":
  I don't think there's anything in the way of a haircut or a shave or a shampoo that could make me like my girl any less.