Man Of The People Meaning

(idiomatic, usually of a celebrity or political leader) One who shows understanding of and sympathy for the concerns of ordinary people, and who has a rapport with and acceptance by ordinary people.

Example: 1843, Charles Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit, ch. 16:
  He could hang about a bar-room, discussing the affairs of the nation, for twelve hours together; and in that time could hold forth with more intolerable dulness, chew more tobacco, smoke more tobacco, drink more rum-toddy, mint-julep, gin-sling, and cock-tail, than any private gentleman of his acquaintance. This made him an orator and a man of the people. In a word, the major was a rising character, and a popular character.
1873, Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner, The Gilded Age, ch. 19:
  Colonel, you are the man, you could influence more votes than any one else on such a measure, an old settler, a man of the people, you know the wants of Missouri.
1911, Anna Katharine Green, Initials Only, ch. 14:
  Besides, I am a man of the people. I like the working class, and am willing to be thought one of them.
1981 July 27, Serge Schmemann, "Adulation Grows after Death of Soviet Folk Hero Vysotsky," New York Times (retrieved 16 Oct 2013):
  It was the story of a man of the people who made good and kept his integrity, who understood the people and could make them laugh and cry.
2008 Feb. 28, Simon Robinson, "Working on the Railroad: On the Mangala Lakshadweep Express," Time (retrieved 16 Oct 2013):
  He is adored by millions as a man of the people because he is of a lower caste — a rarity among politicians.