Publicity Hound Meaning

(idiomatic) A person who constantly seeks public attention, especially through coverage in the broadcast media or news media.

Example: 1928, Frank R. Kent, "The Great Game Of Politics," Baltimore Sun, 28 Aug., p. 1:
  The truth about Pastor Straton is that he is perhaps the country's most persistent publicity hound. He has an insatiable appetite for newspaper notice.
1995, Harlan Coben, Deal Breaker, ISBN 9780440220442, p. 258:
  "He's a publicity hound," Jake said. "Gets a hard-on watching himself on TV."
2001, Hannah Bloch, "The Evil That Men Do," Time, 20 Aug.:
  Durrani continues to receive awards and recognition overseas for her courage, although within her own country she is branded an opportunist and publicity-hound.