Sweet Hereafter Meaning

(idiomatic) Heaven; paradise as enjoyed in the afterlife.

Example: 1885, Mary Lee Demarest, "The Pathway o' the Sea," in A Library of Religious Poetry by Philip Shaff and Arthur Gilman (eds.), Funk and Wagnalls, New York, page 885:
  Lord, what thou doest noo, an' why,
  We maunna seek to ken;
  But sune the sweet hereafter comes,
  An' thou wilt tell us then.
1903, "Woman Roiled Into Ditch by Train," The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois), 22 Mar.:
  Miss Lacy Stafford of Taylorville was struck by an Illinois Central train at the Sangamon street crossing at 3 o'clock and in the eyes of the spectators she was wafted directly into the sweet hereafter by lightning express.
2003, Barbara Kingsolver, The Poisonwood Bible, ISBN 0060512822, page 174:
  Owing to his sugarcane habit, his stubby front teeth are all pretty much gone to the sweet hereafter.