Aired Synonyms & Definitions

Synonyms are words that have the same or almost the same meaning and the definition is the detailed explanation of the word. This page will help you out finding the Definition & Synonyms of hundreds of words mentioned on this page. Check out the page and learn more about the English vocabulary.

• AiredDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (imp. & p. p.) of Air

• AirDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (n.) Utterance abroad; publicity; vent.
  2. (n.) To expose for the sake of public notice; to display ostentatiously; as, to air ones opinion.
  3. (n.) The fluid which we breathe, and which surrounds the earth; the atmosphere. It is invisible, inodorous, insipid, transparent, compressible, elastic, and ponderable.
  4. (n.) A particular state of the atmosphere, as respects heat, cold, moisture, etc., or as affecting the sensations; as, a smoky air, a damp air, the morning air, etc.
  5. (n.) Odoriferous or contaminated air.
  6. (n.) The peculiar look, appearance, and bearing of a person; mien; demeanor; as, the air of a youth; a heavy air; a lofty air.
  7. (n.) Air in motion; a light breeze; a gentle wind.
  8. (n.) Intelligence; information.
  9. (n.) Symbolically: Something unsubstantial, light, or volatile.
  10. (n.) A musical idea, or motive, rhythmically developed in consecutive single tones, so as to form a symmetrical and balanced whole, which may be sung by a single voice to the stanzas of a hymn or song, or even to plain prose, or played upon an instrument; a melody; a tune; an aria.
  11. (n.) That which surrounds and influences.
  12. (n.) An artificial or affected manner; show of pride or vanity; haughtiness; as, it is said of a person, he puts on airs.
  13. (n.) The representation or reproduction of the effect of the atmospheric medium through which every object in nature is viewed.
  14. (n.) To expose to the air for the purpose of cooling, refreshing, or purifying; to ventilate; as, to air a room.
  15. (n.) To expose to heat, for the purpose of expelling dampness, or of warming; as, to air linen; to air liquors.
  16. (n.) In harmonized chorals, psalmody, part songs, etc., the part which bears the tune or melody -- in modern harmony usually the upper part -- is sometimes called the air.
  17. (n.) Peculiar appearance; apparent character; semblance; manner; style.
  18. (n.) Any aeriform body; a gas; as, oxygen was formerly called vital air.
  19. (n.) Carriage; attitude; action; movement; as, the head of that portrait has a good air.
  20. (n.) The artificial motion or carriage of a horse.