Blushing Synonyms & Definitions

Synonyms are words that have the same or almost the same meaning and the definition is the detailed explanation of the word. This page will help you out finding the Definition & Synonyms of hundreds of words mentioned on this page. Check out the page and learn more about the English vocabulary.

• BlushingDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (a.) Showing blushes; rosy red; having a warm and delicate color like some roses and other flowers; blooming; ruddy; roseate.
  2. (n.) The act of turning red; the appearance of a reddish color or flush upon the cheeks.
  3. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Blush

• BlushDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (v. i.) To have a warm and delicate color, as some roses and other flowers.
  2. (v. t.) To suffuse with a blush; to redden; to make roseate.
  3. (n.) A suffusion of the cheeks or face with red, as from a sense of shame, confusion, or modesty.
  4. (v. t.) To express or make known by blushing.
  5. (v. i.) To grow red; to have a red or rosy color.
  6. (v. i.) To become suffused with red in the cheeks, as from a sense of shame, modesty, or confusion; to become red from such cause, as the cheeks or face.
  7. (n.) A red or reddish color; a rosy tint.

• BlushinglyDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (adv.) In a blushing manner; with a blush or blushes; as, to answer or confess blushingly.