Capuchin Synonyms & Definitions

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• CapuchinDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (n.) A Franciscan monk of the austere branch established in 1526 by Matteo di Baschi, distinguished by wearing the long pointed cowl or capoch of St. Francis.
  2. (n.) A variety of the domestic pigeon having a hoodlike tuft of feathers on the head and sides of the neck.
  3. (n.) A garment for women, consisting of a cloak and hood, resembling, or supposed to resemble, that of capuchin monks.
  4. (n.) Other species of Cabus, as C. fatuellus (the brown or horned capucine.), C. albifrons (the cararara), and C. apella.
  5. (n.) A long-tailed South American monkey (Cabus capucinus), having the forehead naked and wrinkled, with the hair on the crown reflexed and resembling a monks cowl, the rest being of a grayish white; -- called also capucine monkey, weeper, sajou, sapajou, and sai.