Colloid Synonyms & Definitions

Synonyms are words that have the same or almost the same meaning and the definition is the detailed explanation of the word. This page will help you out finding the Definition & Synonyms of hundreds of words mentioned on this page. Check out the page and learn more about the English vocabulary.

• ColloidDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (a.) Resembling glue or jelly; characterized by a jellylike appearance; gelatinous; as, colloid tumors.
  2. (n.) A substance (as albumin, gum, gelatin, etc.) which is of a gelatinous rather than a crystalline nature, and which diffuses itself through animal membranes or vegetable parchment more slowly than crystalloids do; -- opposed to crystalloid.
  3. (n.) A gelatinous substance found in colloid degeneration and colloid cancer.

• ColloidalityDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (n.) The state or quality of being colloidal.

• ColloidalDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (a.) Pertaining to, or of the nature of, colloids.