Effuse Synonyms & Definitions

Synonyms are words that have the same or almost the same meaning and the definition is the detailed explanation of the word. This page will help you out finding the Definition & Synonyms of hundreds of words mentioned on this page. Check out the page and learn more about the English vocabulary.

• EffuseDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (a.) Having the lips, or edges, of the aperture abruptly spreading; -- said of certain shells.
  2. (n.) Effusion; loss.
  3. (v. i.) To emanate; to issue.
  4. (a.) Poured out freely; profuse.
  5. (a.) Spreading loosely, especially on one side; as, an effuse inflorescence.
  6. (a.) Disposed to pour out freely; prodigal.
  7. (v. t.) To pour out like a stream or freely; to cause to exude; to shed.

• EffusedDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (imp. & p. p.) of Effuse