Fairing Synonyms & Definitions

Synonyms are words that have the same or almost the same meaning and the definition is the detailed explanation of the word. This page will help you out finding the Definition & Synonyms of hundreds of words mentioned on this page. Check out the page and learn more about the English vocabulary.

• FairingDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (n.) A present; originally, one given or purchased at a fair.

• FairDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (n.) A fair woman; a sweetheart.
  2. (adv.) Clearly; openly; frankly; civilly; honestly; favorably; auspiciously; agreeably.
  3. (n.) Good fortune; good luck.
  4. (superl.) Pleasing; favorable; inspiring hope and confidence; -- said of words, promises, etc.
  5. (superl.) Distinct; legible; as, fair handwriting.
  6. (superl.) Free from spots, specks, dirt, or imperfection; unblemished; clean; pure.
  7. (v. t.) To make smooth and flowing, as a vessels lines.
  8. (v. t.) To make fair or beautiful.
  9. (superl.) Characterized by frankness, honesty, impartiality, or candor; open; upright; free from suspicion or bias; equitable; just; -- said of persons, character, or conduct; as, a fair man; fair dealing; a fair statement.
  10. (superl.) Without a dark hue; light; clear; as, a fair skin.
  11. (n.) A gathering of buyers and sellers, assembled at a particular place with their merchandise at a stated or regular season, or by special appointment, for trade.
  12. (superl.) Without sudden change of direction or curvature; smooth; fowing; -- said of the figure of a vessel, and of surfaces, water lines, and other lines.
  13. (superl.) Free from any marked characteristic; average; middling; as, a fair specimen.
  14. (n.) A festival, and sale of fancy articles. erc., usually for some charitable object; as, a Grand Army fair.
  15. (superl.) Not overcast; cloudless; clear; pleasant; propitious; favorable; -- said of the sky, weather, or wind, etc.; as, a fair sky; a fair day.
  16. (superl.) Free from obstacles or hindrances; unobstructed; unincumbered; open; direct; -- said of a road, passage, etc.; as, a fair mark; in fair sight; a fair view.
  17. (n.) A competitive exhibition of wares, farm products, etc., not primarily for purposes of sale; as, the Mechanics fair; an agricultural fair.
  18. (n.) Fairness, beauty.
  19. (superl.) Pleasing to the eye; handsome; beautiful.