Flush Synonyms & Definitions

Synonyms are words that have the same or almost the same meaning and the definition is the detailed explanation of the word. This page will help you out finding the Definition & Synonyms of hundreds of words mentioned on this page. Check out the page and learn more about the English vocabulary.

• FlushDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (n.) A flock of birds suddenly started up or flushed.
  2. (adv.) So as to be level or even.
  3. (v. i.) To flow and spread suddenly; to rush; as, blood flushes into the face.
  4. (v. t.) To cause to start, as a hunter a bird.
  5. (a.) Full of vigor; fresh; glowing; bright.
  6. (n.) A suffusion of the face with blood, as from fear, shame, modesty, or intensity of feeling of any kind; a blush; a glow.
  7. (a.) Consisting of cards of one suit.
  8. (n.) A sudden flowing; a rush which fills or overflows, as of water for cleansing purposes.
  9. (n.) Any tinge of red color like that produced on the cheeks by a sudden rush of blood; as, the flush on the side of a peach; the flush on the clouds at sunset.
  10. (v. t.) To excite; to animate; to stir.
  11. (v. i.) To start up suddenly; to take wing as a bird.
  12. (n.) A hand of cards of the same suit.
  13. (a.) Unbroken or even in surface; on a level with the adjacent surface; forming a continuous surface; as, a flush panel; a flush joint.
  14. (v. t.) To cause the blood to rush into (the face); to put to the blush, or to cause to glow with excitement.
  15. (v. i.) To become suddenly suffused, as the cheeks; to turn red; to blush.
  16. (v. i.) To snow red; to shine suddenly; to glow.
  17. (a.) Affluent; abounding; well furnished or suppled; hence, liberal; prodigal.
  18. (v. t.) To cause to be full; to flood; to overflow; to overwhelm with water; as, to flush the meadows; to flood for the purpose of cleaning; as, to flush a sewer.
  19. (v. t.) To make suddenly or temporarily red or rosy, as if suffused with blood.
  20. (n.) A sudden flood or rush of feeling; a thrill of excitement. animation, etc.; as, a flush of joy.
  21. (v. i.) To fill underground spaces, especially in coal mines, with material carried by water, which, after drainage, constitutes a compact mass.
  22. (v. i.) To operate a placer mine, where the continuous supply of water is insufficient, by holding back the water, and releasing it periodically in a flood.
  23. (v. t.) To cause by flow; to draw water from, or pour it over or through (a pond, meadow, sewer, etc.); to cleanse by means of a rush of water.

• FlushinglyDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (adv.) In a flushing manner.