Hards Synonyms & Definitions

Synonyms are words that have the same or almost the same meaning and the definition is the detailed explanation of the word. This page will help you out finding the Definition & Synonyms of hundreds of words mentioned on this page. Check out the page and learn more about the English vocabulary.

• HardsDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (n. pl.) The refuse or coarse part of fiax; tow.

• HardDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (superl.) Having disagreeable and abrupt contrasts in the coloring or light and shade.
  2. (superl.) Rigid in the drawing or distribution of the figures; formal; lacking grace of composition.
  3. (superl.) Difficult, mentally or judicially; not easily apprehended, decided, or resolved; as a hard problem.
  4. (superl.) Wanting softness or smoothness of utterance; harsh; as, a hard tone.
  5. (superl.) Difficult to bear or endure; not easy to put up with or consent to; hence, severe; rigorous; oppressive; distressing; unjust; grasping; as, a hard lot; hard times; hard fare; a hard winter; hard conditions or terms.
  6. (superl.) Difficult to please or influence; stern; unyielding; obdurate; unsympathetic; unfeeling; cruel; as, a hard master; a hard heart; hard words; a hard character.
  7. (superl.) Difficult to resist or control; powerful.
  8. (adv.) Close or near.
  9. (superl.) Abrupt or explosive in utterance; not aspirated, sibilated, or pronounced with a gradual change of the organs from one position to another; -- said of certain consonants, as c in came, and g in go, as distinguished from the same letters in center, general, etc.
  10. (superl.) Not easy or agreeable to the taste; stiff; rigid; ungraceful; repelling; as, a hard style.
  11. (adv.) With difficulty; as, the vehicle moves hard.
  12. (superl.) Difficult to accomplish; full of obstacles; laborious; fatiguing; arduous; as, a hard task; a disease hard to cure.
  13. (n.) A ford or passage across a river or swamp.
  14. (superl.) Rough; acid; sour, as liquors; as, hard cider.
  15. (adv.) So as to raise difficulties.
  16. (adv.) With tension or strain of the powers; violently; with force; tempestuously; vehemently; vigorously; energetically; as, to press, to blow, to rain hard; hence, rapidly; as, to run hard.
  17. (adv.) Uneasily; vexatiously; slowly.
  18. (superl.) Not easily penetrated, cut, or separated into parts; not yielding to pressure; firm; solid; compact; -- applied to material bodies, and opposed to soft; as, hard wood; hard flesh; a hard apple.
  19. (v. t.) To harden; to make hard.
  20. (adv.) With pressure; with urgency; hence, diligently; earnestly.

• HardshipDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (n.) That which is hard to hear, as toil, privation, injury, injustice, etc.