New Synonyms & Definitions

Synonyms are words that have the same or almost the same meaning and the definition is the detailed explanation of the word. This page will help you out finding the Definition & Synonyms of hundreds of words mentioned on this page. Check out the page and learn more about the English vocabulary.

• NewDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (v. t. & i.) To make new; to renew.
  2. (superl.) Not habituated; not familiar; unaccustomed.
  3. (superl.) Not of ancient extraction, or of a family of ancient descent; not previously kniwn or famous.
  4. (superl.) Newly beginning or recurring; starting anew; now commencing; different from has been; as, a new year; a new course or direction.
  5. (adv.) Newly; recently.
  6. (superl.) Fresh from anything; newly come.
  7. (superl.) As if lately begun or made; having the state or quality of original freshness; also, changed for the better; renovated; unworn; untried; unspent; as, rest and travel made him a new man.
  8. (superl.) Having existed, or having been made, but a short time; having originated or occured lately; having recently come into existence, or into ones possession; not early or long in being; of late origin; recent; fresh; modern; -- opposed to old, as, a new coat; a new house; a new book; a new fashion.
  9. (superl.) Not before seen or known, although existing before; lately manifested; recently discovered; as, a new metal; a new planet; new scenes.
  10. (superl.) Not of ancient extraction, or of a family of ancient descent; not previously kniwn or famous.
  11. (superl.) As if lately begun or made; having the state or quality of original freshness; also, changed for the better; renovated; unworn; untried; unspent; as, rest and travel made him a new man.
  12. (v. t. & i.) To make new; to renew.
  13. (superl.) Having existed, or having been made, but a short time; having originated or occured lately; having recently come into existence, or into ones possession; not early or long in being; of late origin; recent; fresh; modern; -- opposed to old, as, a new coat; a new house; a new book; a new fashion.
  14. (superl.) Fresh from anything; newly come.
  15. (superl.) Newly beginning or recurring; starting anew; now commencing; different from has been; as, a new year; a new course or direction.
  16. (superl.) Not before seen or known, although existing before; lately manifested; recently discovered; as, a new metal; a new planet; new scenes.
  17. (superl.) Not habituated; not familiar; unaccustomed.
  18. (adv.) Newly; recently.

• NewbornDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (a.) Recently born.
  2. (a.) Recently born.

• New ThoughtDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. () Any form of belief in mental healing other than (1) Christian Science and (2) hypnotism or psychotherapy. Its central principle is affirmative thought, or suggestion, employed with the conviction that man produces changes in his health, his finances, and his life by the adoption of a favorable mental attitude. AS a therapeutic doctrine it stands for silent and absent mental treatment, and the theory that all diseases are mental in origin. As a cult it has its unifying idea the inculcation of workable optimism in contrast with the "old thought" of sin, evil, predestination, and pessimistic resignation. The term is essentially synonymous with the term High Thought, used in England.