Registering Synonyms & Definitions

Synonyms are words that have the same or almost the same meaning and the definition is the detailed explanation of the word. This page will help you out finding the Definition & Synonyms of hundreds of words mentioned on this page. Check out the page and learn more about the English vocabulary.

• RegisteringDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (a.) Recording; -- applied to instruments; having an apparatus which registers; as, a registering thermometer. See Recording.
  2. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Register

• RegisterDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (v. t.) To enter the name of the owner of (a share of stock, a bond, or other security) in a register, or record book. A registered security is transferable only on the written assignment of the owner of record and on surrender of his bond, stock certificate, or the like.
  2. (v. i.) A stop or set of pipes in an organ.
  3. (n.) One who registers or records; a registrar; a recorder; especially, a public officer charged with the duty of recording certain transactions or events; as, a register of deeds.
  4. (v. i.) The compass of a voice or instrument; a specified portion of the compass of a voice, or a series of vocal tones of a given compass; as, the upper, middle, or lower register; the soprano register; the tenor register.
  5. (n.) That which registers or records.
  6. (n.) The correspondence or adjustment of the several impressions in a design which is printed in parts, as in chromolithographic printing, or in the manufacture of paper hangings. See Register, v. i. 2.
  7. (n.) To enroll; to enter in a list.
  8. (n.) The inner part of the mold in which types are cast.
  9. (n.) To enter in a register; to record formally and distinctly, as for future use or service.
  10. (n.) A lid, stopper, or sliding plate, in a furnace, stove, etc., for regulating the admission of air to the fuel; also, an arrangement containing dampers or shutters, as in the floor or wall of a room or passage, or in a chimney, for admitting or excluding heated air, or for regulating ventilation.
  11. (n.) A written account or entry; an official or formal enumeration, description, or record; a memorial record; a list or roll; a schedule.
  12. (n.) A record containing a list and description of the merchant vessels belonging to a port or customs district.
  13. (v. i.) To correspond in relative position; as, two pages, columns, etc. , register when the corresponding parts fall in the same line, or when line falls exactly upon line in reverse pages, or (as in chromatic printing) where the various colors of the design are printed consecutively, and perfect adjustment of parts is necessary.
  14. (n.) The part of a telegraphic apparatus which records automatically the message received.
  15. (n.) A machine for registering automatically the number of persons passing through a gateway, fares taken, etc.; a telltale.
  16. (n.) A contrivance for automatically noting the performance of a machine or the rapidity of a process.
  17. (n.) The correspondence of pages, columns, or lines on the opposite or reverse sides of the sheet.
  18. (n.) A certificate issued by the collector of customs of a port or district to the owner of a vessel, containing the description of a vessel, its name, ownership, and other material facts. It is kept on board the vessel, to be used as an evidence of nationality or as a muniment of title.
  19. (v. i.) To enroll ones name in a register.