Sweep Synonyms & Definitions

Synonyms are words that have the same or almost the same meaning and the definition is the detailed explanation of the word. This page will help you out finding the Definition & Synonyms of hundreds of words mentioned on this page. Check out the page and learn more about the English vocabulary.

• SweepDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (v. i.) To pass over anything comprehensively; to range through with rapidity; as, his eye sweeps through space.
  2. (v. i.) To clean rooms, yards, etc., or to clear away dust, dirt, litter, etc., with a broom, brush, or the like.
  3. (n.) The compass of anything flowing or brushing; as, the flood carried away everything within its sweep.
  4. (n.) The compass of any turning body or of any motion; as, the sweep of a door; the sweep of the eye.
  5. (v. i.) To pass over, or traverse, with the eye or with an instrument of observation; as, to sweep the heavens with a telescope.
  6. (n.) The mold of a ship when she begins to curve in at the rungheads; any part of a ship shaped in a segment of a circle.
  7. (v. i.) To carry with a long, swinging, or dragging motion; hence, to carry in a stately or proud fashion.
  8. (v. i.) To brush against or over; to rub lightly along.
  9. (n.) One who sweeps; a sweeper; specifically, a chimney sweeper.
  10. (n.) A large oar used in small vessels, partly to propel them and partly to steer them.
  11. (n.) The sweeping of workshops where precious metals are worked, containing filings, etc.
  12. (n.) A long pole, or piece of timber, moved on a horizontal fulcrum fixed to a tall post and used to raise and lower a bucket in a well for drawing water.
  13. (n.) Violent and general destruction; as, the sweep of an epidemic disease.
  14. (n.) Direction and extent of any motion not rectlinear; as, the sweep of a compass.
  15. (v. i.) To strike with a long stroke.
  16. (n.) The almond furnace.
  17. (n.) A movable templet for making molds, in loam molding.
  18. (v. i.) To brush swiftly over the surface of anything; to pass with switness and force, as if brushing the surface of anything; to move in a stately manner; as, the wind sweeps across the plain; a woman sweeps through a drawing-room.
  19. (n.) The act of sweeping.
  20. (n.) The compass or range of a stroke; as, a long sweep.
  21. (v. i.) To draw or drag something over; as, to sweep the bottom of a river with a net.
  22. (v. i.) To pass a broom across (a surface) so as to remove loose dirt, dust, etc.; to brush, or rub over, with a broom for the purpose of cleaning; as, to sweep a floor, the street, or a chimney. Used also figuratively.
  23. (n.) Direction or departure of a curve, a road, an arch, or the like, away from a rectlinear line.
  24. (v. i.) To drive or carry along or off with a broom or a brush, or as if with a broom; to remove by, or as if by, brushing; as, to sweep dirt from a floor; the wind sweeps the snow from the hills; a freshet sweeps away a dam, timber, or rubbish; a pestilence sweeps off multitudes.
  25. (n.) In the game of casino, a pairing or combining of all the cards on the board, and so removing them all; in whist, the winning of all the tricks (thirteen) in a hand; a slam.

• SweeperDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (n.) One who, or that which, sweeps, or cleans by sweeping; a sweep; as, a carpet sweeper.

• SweepstakesDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (sing. / pl.) The whole money or other things staked at a horse race, a given sum being put up for each horse, all of which goes to the winner, or is divided among several, as may be previously agreed.
  2. (sing. / pl.) A race for all the sums staked or prizes offered.
  3. (n.) A winning of all the stakes or prizes; a sweepstake.