Wages Synonyms & Definitions

Synonyms are words that have the same or almost the same meaning and the definition is the detailed explanation of the word. This page will help you out finding the Definition & Synonyms of hundreds of words mentioned on this page. Check out the page and learn more about the English vocabulary.

• WagesDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (n. pl.) The share of the annual product or national dividend which goes as a reward to labor, as distinct from the remuneration received by capital in its various forms. This economic or technical sense of the word wages is broader than the current sense, and includes not only amounts actually paid to laborers, but the remuneration obtained by those who sell the products of their own work, and the wages of superintendence or management, which are earned by skill in directing the work of others.
  2. (n.) A compensation given to a hired person for services; price paid for labor; recompense; hire. See Wage, n., 2.

• WagDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (v. i.) To be in action or motion; to move; to get along; to progress; to stir.
  2. (v. i.) To move one way and the other; to be shaken to and fro; to vibrate.
  3. (v. i.) To go; to depart; to pack oft.
  4. (v.) A man full of sport and humor; a ludicrous fellow; a humorist; a wit; a joker.
  5. (v. t.) To move one way and the other with quick turns; to shake to and fro; to move vibratingly; to cause to vibrate, as a part of the body; as, to wag the head.
  6. (v.) The act of wagging; a shake; as, a wag of the head.

• WageDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (v. t.) To expose ones self to, as a risk; to incur, as a danger; to venture; to hazard.
  2. (v. t.) To give security for the performance of.
  3. (v. i.) To bind ones self; to engage.
  4. (v. t.) To adventure, or lay out, for hire or reward; to hire out.
  5. (v. t.) To put upon wages; to hire; to employ; to pay wages to.
  6. (v. t.) To engage in, as a contest, as if by previous gage or pledge; to carry on, as a war.
  7. (v. t.) To pledge; to hazard on the event of a contest; to stake; to bet, to lay; to wager; as, to wage a dollar.
  8. (v. t.) That which is staked or ventured; that for which one incurs risk or danger; prize; gage.
  9. (v. t.) That for which one labors; meed; reward; stipulated payment for service performed; hire; pay; compensation; -- at present generally used in the plural. See Wages.