Too Rich For One's Blood Meaning

(idiomatic) Too expensive or fancy to suit one's taste or preferences.

Example: 1899, Horatio Alger, Mark Mason's Victory, ch. 8:
  "I don't care to rob you of this bread. Aunt Jane. It's too rich for my blood. . . . I'd rather take my supper at the cheapest restaurant on the Bowery."
1903, Andy Adams, The Log of a Cowboy, ch. 24:
  "That's right, fellows," roared Lovell from his commanding position, as he jingled a handful of gold coins, ". . . and remember that nothing's too rich for our blood to-day."
1921, Zane Grey, The Mysterious Rider, ch. 5:
  "Smoke! Me? I'll give you a hoss right now for a cigar. I git one onct a year, mebbe."
  "Here's a box I've been packin' for long," replied Wade, as he handed it up to Billings. "They're Spanish, all right. Too rich for my blood!"
2001 June 24, Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele, "The Empire Of The Pigs," Time:
  It was not just Oklahoma's subsidies that persuaded Seaboard to relocate. The Albert Lea work force was unionized; wages had risen to $19,100 a year—still $3,100 below their level in 1983, but too rich for Seaboard's blood.