يشع  meaning in Urdu

يشع يعني بالعربية

Notify (Khabar dena) خبردینا
Notify (Agha karna) آگاہ کرنا
Notify (Mutah karna) مطلع کرنا
Embitter (Talakh banana) تلخ بنانا
Feel (Mehsoos hona) محسوس ہونا
Feel (Ahsass rakhana) احساس رَکھنا
Hex (Mashooor karna) مسحور کرنا
Hex (Mahsoor kar na) مسحور کرنا
Hex (Sehar karna) سحر کرنا
Hex (Jadoo karna) جادو کرنا
Hex (Jina t ke tabay karna) جنا ت کے تابع کرنا
Hex (Jinaat ka taba kar na) جنا ت کے تابع کرنا
Hex (Mashooor karna) مسحور کرنا
Hex (Mahsoor kar na) مسحور کرنا
Hex (Sehar karna) سحر کرنا
Hex (Jadoo karna) جادو کرنا
Hex (Jina t ke tabay karna) جنا ت کے تابع کرنا
Hex (Jinaat ka taba kar na) جنا ت کے تابع کرنا
Smart (Hoshyar) ہوشیار
Smart (Zaheen) ذہین
Smart (Taz faham) تیز فہم
Dishevel (Baal bakhairna) بال بکھیرنا
Feels (Tatolna) ٹٹولنا
Feels (Maloom karna) معلوم کرنا
Feels (Mehsoos karna) محسوس کرنا
Smarts (Tais uthna) ٹیس اٹھنا
Smarts (Dard ki lehar) درد کی لہر
Smarts (Dard) درد
Radiates (Darakhshaan hona) درخشاں ہونا
Radiates (Numaya hona) نمایاں ہونا
Radiates (Shu’ayen muntashir hona) شعاعیں منتشر ہونا
Ignites (Aagh lagana) آگ لگانا
Ignites (Hararat say chamak paida karna) حرارت سے چمک پیدا کرنا
Ignites (Mushtael hona) مشتعل ہونا
Hexes (Mashooor karna) مَسحُور کرنا
Hexes (Sehar karna) سِحر کرنا
Hexes (Jina t ke tabay karna) جِنا ت کے تابع کرنا
Multi Language Dictionary

Arabic to Urdu Dictionary

Languages are a key component of communication. There are roughly 6,500 languages are spoken in the world today, Arabic is one of them. However, there are around 25 Arab speaking countries that claim Arabic as an official or co-official language. Arabic is spoken all over the world today. The estimated Arab population in the world is about 420 million with 30 different dialects. Hamariweb has brought an amazing online dictionary. We honestly hope that our automatic translator will help and simplify the Arabic-Urdu and Arabic-English translation of texts.

Urdu to Arabic Dictionary

Urdu is a member of the Indo-Aryan group in Indo-European languages. Urdu is spoken as the first language of about 70 million people and as a second language by more than 100 million people, especially in Pakistan and India. Urdu to Arabic Dictionary is the best offering for students, travelers, teachers, and learners. With its clear definitions and carefully chosen up-to-date vocabulary from all areas of life, the Urdu to Arabic will meet your everyday language needs and will make your trips more comfortable and fun. You can search for any word and then click on it to read its meanings in the Urdu language. The vocabulary is constantly being updated.

Arabic to Urdu Translate

Arabic is an important language of Pakistan, alongside English and Urdu even added in as an important subject in schools. It is a need for time to have an entry that could help individuals to learn and know the essentials of any language. Arabic to Urdu word dictionary will assist you with the translation of the Arabic word in the Urdu language. It will support individuals who need to learn it. It will likewise help tourists visiting different regions of Arabic speaking countries. The Arabic to Urdu Dictionary will assist all with being bilingual and bother free correspondence.