Fateh Jang Postal Code Attock - Zip Code

Fateh Jang postal code is 43350 with post office city Attock, its province is Punjab and postcode type is Delivery. Postal codes serve for both national and international mail. Check out the Fateh Jang zip code online for precise location details.

Postal Code Fateh Jang 2025

Location Fateh Jang
Postal Code 43350
Post Office City Attock
Province Punjab
Attached Branch 43351
Postcode Type Delivery

Fateh Jang Postal Code

Fateh Jang is a neighborhood in Attock, Pakistan, with its own unique postal code. Fateh Jang Postal codes are like special addresses/numbers with 5 digits that help mail find its way to the right place.

Understanding the Postal Code

The postal code for Fateh Jang is specific to this area, ensuring that letters and packages sent here reach their destination accurately. It's like a Fateh Jang zip code that tells the post office exactly the mail needs to go.

Finding the Right Code Fateh Jang Zip Code

To send mail to Fateh Jang, it's helpful to know the correct postal code. You can easily find this 5-digit code by checking with the local post office or using this online postal code directory. This small number plays a big role in making sure your mail reaches Fateh Jang without any hitches.

What is the postal code for Fateh Jang in Attock?

The postal code for Fateh Jang in Attock, Pakistan, is unique to this area. It helps in accurately sorting and delivering mail to this specific neighborhood.

How many digits does the Fateh Jang postal code have?

The Fateh Jang postal code in Attock consists of five digits. It serves as a numerical identifier for this particular locality.

Why is the postal code important for Fateh Jang?

The postal code is crucial for efficient mail delivery. It ensures that letters and packages intended for Fateh Jang are directed to the correct destination within this neighborhood.

Does the Fateh Jang postal code ever change?

Fateh Jang zip/postal codes can change due to urban development or administrative reasons. It's advisable to check for the latest updates from official postal authorities or local post offices.

What is Fateh Jang postal code?

The Fateh Jang postal code is 43350.