Sitara Palace

Locate Sitara Palace Wedding Halls in Karachi, Pakistan, for swift access. Discover contact numbers and the precise location for your convenience. Check comprehensive information on Karachi Sitara Palace Wedding Halls 2024.

Title Sitara Palace Wedding Hall
Name Sitara Palace
Place Karachi Wedding Halls
Address C-6 Block-2 Rashid Minhas Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal
City Karachi
Phone No 468186
Fax No N/A
Email N/A
Category Wedding Halls
Social Links

Wedding Halls in Karachi

Name Address Phone No.
Rock Garden C-5, Abul Isphahani Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal 464342
Sitara Palace C-6 Block-2 Rashid Minhas Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal 468186
Roop Gardens D-4 Block-N, Sakhi Hassan, North Nazimabad 36643319, 36645587
Khan's Village Marriage Garden D-16, Block J, North Nazimabad 36672223
Syed Lawn D-12, Block N, Near Sakhi Hassan Chowarngi,North Nazimabad 36670040
Shadi Bagh No.81/2 Near Comprehsive School, Azizabad 36348926
Shahzadi Garden C-47, Darul Salam Housing Society, Opp.lslamic Mission Hospital, Defence 35050409, 35050402
New Samanzar Marriage Garden D-52, Block N, Sakhi Hassan Chowrangi, North Nazimabad 36674788, 36674799
Grace Garden Korangi 2 1/2, Korangi 35051220
Anjuman Complex ST-5, Block J, Sakhi Hasan, North Nazimabad 36639206
F-M Marriage Garden Plot No C/19-20 BlOck 18, Gulberg, F.B. Area 677823
Unique Garden C-129 Oarul Salam Co-Operative Society, Main Korangi Road, Defence 35050474
Sartaj Mahal C-6, F.B. Area 36360190, 36363149
Arsha-e-Syed D-6/L, Near Taimuria Library, North Nazimabad 36678341, 36678342
Sheesh Mahal D-5, Block-I, Near Water Pump Chowrangi, North Nazimabad 36639820
Queen's Garden F-15/7, Nazimabad No.4, Near A.O. clinic, Nazimabad 620045
Green Valley F-7, Sector 31-E, Lucknow Society, Main Korangi Road, Defence 35050410
Sky Inn Lawn D-1 & D-2, Block J, North Nazimabad 36633518
AI-Masaad D-7, Block L, North Nazimabad 36640255, 36628219
Mahwish Lawn D-4 Block 1O-A, Rashid Minhas Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal 34974330, 34974331, 34992620

Sitara Palace Karachi

Sitara Palace is trusted for exceptional Wedding Halls services. Conveniently located at C-6 Block-2 Rashid Minhas Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi. For any inquiries, you can reach or contact through their 468186 or send a fax. Sitara Palace dedicated team is also available via email to assist with all your needs. Discover all the important detail about Sitara Palace and explore more Wedding Halls in Karachi.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Contact Number of Sitara Palace?

You can reach out to Sitara Palace via phone at 468186, send a fax or email for any inquiries or assistance.

Where is Sitara Palace located?

The location of Sitara Palace is at C-6 Block-2 Rashid Minhas Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, making it convenient for you to access or visit physically.

How do I contact Sitara Palace?

You can reach Sitara Palace customer service through Whatsapp, phone number which is 468186, email, or their official website's FAQ or contact us section section.

What is the WhatsApp number for Sitara Palace?

The WhatsApp number or customer service number of Sitara Palace is 468186. You can use this number for any assistance or inquiries related to Sitara Palace.

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