Some Weird Ways Animals Sleep

(Source: list25)

Have you ever wondered whether animals sleep like us? Well, as you may suspect the answer is a resounding no! Okay, some do, but for the most part animals are quite unique in their sleeping habits. From birds and whales to frogs and rodents these are some Weird Ways Animals Sleep!

Dolphins and whales sleep with only one half of their brain at a time. This prevents them from drowning in their sleep.

Bats can sleep up to 20 hours per day! They also sleep upside down because it's easier for them to take off from that position. (Their wings are rather weak.)

Some animals (like rodents) can sleep for half the year! It's called hibernation and allows the animal to survive through periods of cold or insufficient food.
Just as some animals hibernate during winter, there are other animals that hibernate during summer to escape the heat! It's called estivation. Animals that sleep this way are typically amphibians and reptiles.
Just as some animals hibernate during winter, there are other animals that hibernate during summer to escape the heat! It's called estivation. Animals that sleep this way are typically amphibians and reptiles.
Frogs undergo a particularly intense form of hibernation. While most of their body freezes and their lungs even stop breathing, high concentrations of glucose in their vital organs prevent the essential parts from freezing.
Giraffes can go weeks without sleep. Scientists think that since they are so large and slow, not sleeping helps them keep an eye out for predators. On average though, they get about 20 minutes per day!
Ironically enough, when an animal wakes from hibernation, it shows many signs of sleep deprivation and has to sleep a lot over the next few days to recover!

Malaysia - The extreme racism against Chinese and IndiansChimpanzees, orangutans, and gorillas have sleeping habits that are very similar to humans. They make beds in safe, predator-free places and curl up!

Some birds can sleep while perched on a branch. They simply close their talons around the branch and stay that way.